Sunday, July 13, 2008

Sunday Before We Go

A blessed Lord's day evening to everyone.
The parable this morning about the seeds planted in various unlikely places reminded me of all the people who planted seeds of the Gospel into my heart. The obvious ones include parents, grandparents and aunts and uncles, Sunday School teachers, etc.
However, the most recent and most impacted I have been by anyone planting the seeds would have to be the Lutheran Church in El Salvador. When I am at Bible study with the pastors there, and they soak up all the possible things that God wants them to hear from the Word, they always have the needs of the most needy in the forefront. And they can ALWAYS think of ways that they have seen God act powerfully, in relationship to the Bible verses in front of them.
I pray that the church in El Salvador will plant seeds of a pure understanding of the ministry of Jesus among us. And that we can mutually, plant seeds of home among each other and for the next generations.
(see, it's not all about my lazy labrador!)

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