Monday, July 7, 2008

T Minus 12 Days!

Happy Monday morning everyone.

We were talking about altitude and topography yesterday, so I finally went online to get some information for us.

It looks like where we will be working (Jucuapa) is a city of about 10,000. That's good news. We are not totally out in the rough for certain. And it is JUST south of the Pan American Highway. If we take that out from the city, it won't be a rough as we anticipated.

I've discovered some interesting topographical facts and will try to relay as much as possible. The actual altitude is about 1600 ft. Jucuapa is nested between mountains and volcanoes though and within about 3-5 miles, it is possible to be well over 3000 feet. Click here for more info.

Check out this awesome little map gizmo below.

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