Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Year 2009

Happy New Year. As we remember this trip with only the best of memories, we want to let everyone know that we will be planning our next Habitat El Salvador build trip for the summer of 2010. If you are interested, please contact the church office at Our Savior's Lutheran Church in West Bend. 262.334.9551 Hope that gives everyone plenty of time to start planning ahead!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Mike's Summary

When we returned, Mike Kurtz was elected to tell the congregation about our experience while on this adventure. Click and read to find out more...
Link to Mike's summary of our experience

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Photo Link

In case you wondered what's so appealing...

...about living where these people live.
This is the view out the front door of the house.
This is the family's view out the front door

Jim's Executive Summary to Habitat

To: Christy Fellner
Thrivent Builds Worldwide Coordinator
Habitat for Humanity International

From: James Zopf

Hi Christy....

We couldn't say we had a great time. It was more like FANTASTIC!

In spite of it being hot enough to fry an egg on the sidewalk (If we could have found one), or enjoy a luke warm shower (which there wasn't), we had the best time of our lives.

We have never seen 11 people (10 team members and 1 interpreter) gel into a perfect fit. It was unforgettable. We worked hard and enjoyed each others company in the off time.

At the location where the build occurred, the family members became "Love at first site". Especially the Grandma and 84 year old Grandpa (Can he work or what!).

The mason admitted that he had never bonded with any group like he did with this one. Even Louis was something else....

Everyone made it through the ordeal, primarily because of laughter (Tom Gigante was the constant source). Being flexible came in a distant second.

That's an executive summary. It's our story and we are sticking with it. Mike (Roberts rule of order expert)...Can we have a second on that Co-Motion?


Saturday, July 19, 2008

That was then

We left church at about 11 last night and arrived in San Salvador at 8 am. A wonderful group of kids from Fe y Esperanza got to come to the airport to welcome us. We felt like royalty. After a nice lunch and a very short nap, we spent the afternoon at Fe. We had all written a couple cards to kids in the community, so that everyone got a personal card when we arrived )along with items from the quilters, and a lot of sugary snacks snuck in by various members of our team. Walked the groups and saw the progress of the 10 to 1 projects that our synod supports. Its all very green and very hopeful!


Friday, July 18, 2008

And, they're off!

We leave West Bend in about 3 hours, travel all night and wake up landing at 8:00 am on the sunny beaches of El Salvador. God be with all the travelers and the loved ones at home.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Weather in El Salvador

Many people have asked about the weather that we will be encountering while we travel. I've made it easy for you to keep track of this by including a weather "feed" on the left side column of this blog.

Except for the fact that it rains nearly every night, the actual temperatures are very similar to what we are experiencing in Wisconsin right now.

We are about a day and a half away from take-off now. Lots of little last minute "stuff" to take care of. We should be able to post pictures on this blog by next Friday if not before.


Sunday, July 13, 2008

Sunday Before We Go

A blessed Lord's day evening to everyone.
The parable this morning about the seeds planted in various unlikely places reminded me of all the people who planted seeds of the Gospel into my heart. The obvious ones include parents, grandparents and aunts and uncles, Sunday School teachers, etc.
However, the most recent and most impacted I have been by anyone planting the seeds would have to be the Lutheran Church in El Salvador. When I am at Bible study with the pastors there, and they soak up all the possible things that God wants them to hear from the Word, they always have the needs of the most needy in the forefront. And they can ALWAYS think of ways that they have seen God act powerfully, in relationship to the Bible verses in front of them.
I pray that the church in El Salvador will plant seeds of a pure understanding of the ministry of Jesus among us. And that we can mutually, plant seeds of home among each other and for the next generations.
(see, it's not all about my lazy labrador!)

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

T Minus 10 Days

Hey all,
Now that we have the most important details taken care of... start thinking about what you want to know about the people, the culture, the experience of the Salvadoran people. In checking out the Habitat website, it seems that the lodging accomodations are very hospitable and appealing. What do you want to know about the people of El Salvador. Will you become friends with the people who are the soon-to-be owners of a new home?
I was at the WA county Habitat Build yesterday and was reminded by Russ that many people think that Habitat homes are a giveaway and nobody actually has to pay to live in them. Nothing could be further from the truth because each home owner needs to log at least 500 hours of their own time toward the project and then they pay a fair market mortgage (without interest) on that home.

More people should study the Biblical concept of credit and loan as applied through Biblical Principals.

Interesting side=thought: I just read on the Habitat help site that taking accipdopholus (yogurt culture) and Pepto [preventatively] helps with traveler's stomach issues. Check it out and see if it is worthwhile for you.

post-script thought: my elderly neighbor is now at Samaritan Home. I am praying how best to be neighbor to her... and her husband who is home alone for the first time in over 60 years. It saddens me because she and her husband have been very active in tending to their garden and lawn for the whole time (7 years) that we've been their neighbors. This year, they have slowed down....A lot. I remember when we first moved in (October '01) when he mowed our lawn for us and asked if we needed help with it. .. Age is a very insidious life companion.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

T Minus 11 Days: Everything Has Come Together

Hi all,

What a great 24 hours! Yesterday Jim was able to confirm that our airline is still flying, our flight is still scheduled and that we can each take two bag.

Along with that, we also have shuttle service straight from the church to O'Hare and back.

Today, I received word from Pastora Abelina, ("pastora" is the feminine form of "pastor" in Spanish,) and she has confirmed that she, personally will be at the airport with greetings and transportation. We will be staying at Casa Concordia Saturday night. CC is a guesthouse attached to the Lutheran Synod offices in San Salvador. It's been fixed up a lot since you've seen in last Chris and Chuck. For those of you who haven't been there, the guesthouse and synod offices are enclosed in a walled "compound" of sorts with an iron gate and a 24 hr armed guard.

The woman who runs CC also takes in children who need homes and schooling. She is also the director of the homeless shelter that I hope you will have opportunity to see. The women of the church are sending with us as many layettes and birthing kits as possible in order to give them to this shelter. Her name is Trini and she runs a tight ship. She is also a GREAT cook. just keeps getting better. When Christina, Bob Gross and I delivered the solar powered water purifers 2 years ago, we connected with a young man who translated for us. His mother worked for the synod offices. David (pronounced Dah-veed) is now a college student in Finland. We have become friends of David and his family and have been instant messaging frequently. We discovered that David will be home in El Salvador during our stay there, and would be willing to translate if we like.

Transportation, lodging, food and translator, all wrapped up in a 24 hour package... not bad for a day's worth of praying.


Monday, July 7, 2008


The coin that you place in the hand that inspires pity is the only chain of gold that links the humanity within you to the heart of the divine.

The Eye of the Prophet

It seems to me that this is what our trip is all about.

God Bless

T Minus 12 Days!

Happy Monday morning everyone.

We were talking about altitude and topography yesterday, so I finally went online to get some information for us.

It looks like where we will be working (Jucuapa) is a city of about 10,000. That's good news. We are not totally out in the rough for certain. And it is JUST south of the Pan American Highway. If we take that out from the city, it won't be a rough as we anticipated.

I've discovered some interesting topographical facts and will try to relay as much as possible. The actual altitude is about 1600 ft. Jucuapa is nested between mountains and volcanoes though and within about 3-5 miles, it is possible to be well over 3000 feet. Click here for more info.

Check out this awesome little map gizmo below.

Friday, July 4, 2008

T minus 15 Days

Wow, we're just about two weeks away from going. Hope everyone is having a great 4th. We are spending part of the weekend putting ceramic tile on our front steps and walk. If anyone wants some experience mixing morter, stop by our house tomorrow :-)
Start thinking about how much stuff you plan to pack. The quilters would like to send down some layettes for the homeless shelter, and we have some Sunday School materials to take down if we have space. Having spent today outside, I just wanted to remind everybody to make sure you have plenty of a high SFP and bug spray.
Jim, can you check with patty and see if we need to bring our own bedding, towels, mosquito netting, etc.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

T minus 16 Days

For freedom, Christ has set us free. (Gal. 5:1)

Wishing you all a safe Independence Day weekend.

As I think of all the freedoms that we have, I am humbled. It is a priveledge that comes with obligations. I was just reading a book simply entitled "Courage" this past week. It highlights numerous courageous lives throughout the last 100 years or so of international history. For the purposes of this book, the author chooses intentionally not to include heroic events such as the soldier who throws him/herself over a grenade, or someone who saves another from a burning building. The focus of this book is people who, over the course of a lifetime, kept noble, honorable, selfless (and often unpopular) principals and values to be the foundation of their speech and action--particularly when there was nothing to gain for them personally, and often everything to lose. Some of the characters were Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Nelson Mandela, Cicely Saunders, MLK Jr, etc.

I am so proud to be part of this adventerous group which chooses not to take the easy way through their "free" summer vacation time, but to build cultural bridges, literally homes, in order to share the love of Jesus Christ.


Wednesday, July 2, 2008

T minus 17 Days

Today I happened to be available to instant message with the young man who served as our translator two years ago. He is living and going to school in Finland now (a language phenom he is) but he will be home on break the entire time we are in El Salvador. Since translating will be a better (and more interesting) source of income for him while he is home, we are making arrangements to see how many days he might be available to help us out. His mother used to work for the church, but due to the staff cuts around Christmas time, she was laid off and their 14 year old is doing his best to create an income for them. This seems to be a win-win all around.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

A couple of web links

T Minus 18: Meds

Hi all,
Just a reminder to the team to make sure you have your malaria meds on hand because the dosing starts the week before we leave.

Also, I don't remember because it was so long ago, but did we mention that it might be a good idea (at least for a portion of us) to get a prescription of Cipro to take along? It's a high powered antibiotic.